Monday 13 May 2024

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

In this blog we’ll discuss complete steps for Import data connection from S/4 hana on-premise system to SAP Analytics Cloud. The Operating system we are using on which S/4 Hana system is installed is SUSE Linux SP 15.

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

Here, Our Data source is S/4 Hana from which the SAP Analytics Cloud is connected using the SAP Analytics Cloud Agent and SAP Cloud Connector.

It is recommended that the Cloud Connector, SAP Analytics Cloud agent, and the SAP Java Connector (JCo) are installed together on a dedicated server, and not a personal computer. This helps to ensure that multiple users can use an import data connection without experiencing slowness or downtime.

The SAP Analytics Cloud Agent Simple Deployment Kit allows you to quickly get your import data connections working.

The simple deployment kit is only supported on Windows 64-bit operating systems. If you have a different server, such as Linux, you'll need to install and configure the agent manually.

If we have windows Environment, then the SAP Analytics Cloud Agent Simple Deployment Kit is preferred. More details can be found in the below link.

For Linux Environment we have to install SAP JVM, SAP Cloud Connector, Tomcat Apache server, SAC Agent, Java Connector.

Below are the steps for Import Data connection for On-premise S/4 HANA systems -

  1. SAP JVM 8.1 and JDK installation on the linux server
  2. Install SAP Cloud Connector on the same linux server.
  3. Installing Tomcat Apache server
  4. Installing and configuring Java connector (Jco)in Tomcat.
  5. Installing and configuring SAP Analytics Cloud Agent.
  6. Configuration and Connection steps in SAC portal
1. SAP JVM 8.1 installation on the same linux server

Download the SAP JVM from the below link:

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

Move the file to the server and run the below command to install SAP JVM

rpm -i <file_name>.rpm

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

Also it is recommended to install the openjdk packages on SUSE linux.

Run command ‘zypper install java’

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

To check the verison of openjdk installed.

Run command 'java –version'

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

2. Install SAP Cloud Connector on the same linux server.

To download the SAP Cloud Connector go to the below link :

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

Download the zip file for Linux x86_64 Architechture and move the downloaded file to the server.

Now, unzip the file and install the rpm package for cloud connector as below.

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

Cloud connector is installed now.

To open the SCC, enter: https://<hostname>:8443 in a browser, where the <hostname> is the hostname of the machine on which the connector is installed, and the port number is the one configured during installation. The default port number is 8443

By default Login Credentials are :

Username : Administrator

Password : manage

After the fist login, It prompts you to change password for the Administrator User.

Now Add the SAC subaccount to the cloud connector:

Click on “Add subaccount” and enter the details SAC subaccount, which you can find on SAP Analytics Cloud.

To find the Subaccount details of SAP Analytics Cloud :

You must use a System Owner account to perform the following steps. If you don't know who the system owner is, log on to SAP Analytics Cloud and from the side navigation, choose  Security > Users. 

◉ Log on to SAP Analytics Cloud.
◉ From the side navigation, choose System  > Administration.
◉ Switch to the Data Source Configuration tab.

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

3. Installing Tomcat  Apache Server :
◉ Create a directory named tomcat in the /opt folder:

◉ Go to the Apache Tomcat 8 Download page by clicking this  Place your cursor under 8.5.65 Binary Distributions, right-click on the tar file and select the copy link address from the menu that appears (as shown in the picture below). At the time of writing, Tomcat 8 is the most recent edition, but you are free to use whatever version is most current.

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

◉ Download the file from wget

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

◉ Extract the tar.gz file

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

◉ Starting Tomcat apache server

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

4. Installing and configuring Java connector (Jco)in Tomcat.

◉ Download SAP Java connector from SAP support portal -> Software downloads

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

◉ On a Linux server, put the sapjco3.jar and in the lib folder of Apache Tomcat.

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

5. Installing and configuring SAP Analytics Cloud Agent.
It is recommended, but not mandatory, that the Cloud Connector, SAP Analytics Cloud agent, and the SAP JCO are installed together on a dedicated server, and not a personal computer. This helps to ensure that multiple users can use an import data connection without experiencing slowness or downtime.

Modifying the Cloud Connector’s embedded web application and deploying the agent to it is not supported.

◉ Download the SAP Analytics Cloud agent from the SAP Support Portal.

The agent is available on the SAP Software Downloads page. Expand By Category, select SAP Cloud Solutions > SAP ANALYTICS CLOUD CONN > SAP ANALYTICS CLOUD CONN 1.0 > SAP ANALYTICS CLOUD AGENT 1.0 and download the latest version.

◉ Unzip the downloaded file and rename the WAR file to C4A_AGENT.war.
◉ Extract the package and copy the file C4A_AGENT.war to your Tomcat webapps directory.

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

The agent will automatically deploy when Tomcat is restarted. 

◉ Create a user for the SAP Analytics Cloud agent and assign the Services role to the user.

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

◉ The user credentials will be needed later for setting up the connection to SAP Analytics Cloud.

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

◉ Restart the Tomcat application server for the settings to take effect.
◉ Test if the installation was successful, by opening the following URL in your browser: http://<Host>:<Port>/C4A_AGENT/deploymentInfo

The version of the SAP Analytics Cloud agent installed is displayed.

6. Configuration and Connection steps in SAC portal
◉ Add the Data source in System > Administration > on-premise data sources

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

◉ Check connection configuration, It should be green.

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

◉ From the side navigation, choose 

Connections >  (Add Connection).

The Select a data source dialog will appear.

◉ Expand Acquire Data and select SAP S/4HANA.
◉ In the New SAP S/4HANA Connection dialog, do the following:

1. In the Connection Information section, add a Connection Name and Description.

2. If you are connecting to an SAP S/4HANA on-premise system, select Connect to an On-Premise OData service, and then select the Location of your Cloud Connector from the list.

3. Enter the Data Service URL published during your configuration

◉ Select the authentication type.
◉ Enter the User Name and Password of the user you want to import data from.
◉ Choose Create.

The new connection is added to the list of connections on the Connections screen.

Import Data Connection to SAP S/4HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud: Technical Configuration

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