Friday, 18 December 2015

Auto Documentation Functionality in HANA Studio

When the user creates Views in HANA Studio under “Contents”, he can automatically generate the documentation about the views. This generated document will have the details about all the view belongs to a package which he selected for Auto Documentation.

The user can invoke the Auto Documentation from three places.
  1. Right click Context menu of the Package or the Views
  2. On the top right corner of the opened view
  3. Quick Launch->Content->Auto Documentation

Auto Documentation Functionality in HANA Studio

There are two types of Documents available
Model Details:
This lists the information about the views included
For Eg: In case of Analytical View,
Name of the View, Activation Status, Owner who created, Creation time, Package it belongs to, the Attributes and Measures it has(Private Attribute, Calculated Attribute, Measures, Calculated, Restricted Measure,etc)
This will have a collection of (PDF) files for each View belongs to a package the user selected
Model List:
This lists the Name of the objects like Attribute View, Analytical View, Calculation View, Analytical Privilege and Procedures and their Owners, Delivery Unit, Status, Package they belongs to
This will be a single (PDF) file about the objects belong to a package
How to:
Go to Quick Launch-> Content->Auto Documentation and select the Document type as “Model Details”
Add the Package to the right side pane and select the target folder to store the Auto Document. User can add objects from different packages in the same generated document.
Click Finish
User Interface In case of Model Details:

Auto Documentation Functionality in HANA Studio

User Interface In case of Model List:.

Auto Documentation Functionality in HANA Studio

The Exporting status will be shown under the “Job Log”

Auto Documentation Functionality in HANA Studio

Auto Documentation Functionality in HANA Studio

Go to the exported location and open the generated document
In case of Model Details :

SAP HANA Tutorial and Certifications

In case of Model List:

SAP HANA Tutorial and Certifications

Generated Auto Document in case of Model Details:

Auto Documentation Functionality in HANA Studio

Generated Auto Document in case of Model List:

Auto Documentation Functionality in HANA Studio


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