Monday, 30 November 2015

How to Extend HANA Live Views

In this blog I will describe how we can extend HANA Live Views

I hope many of you are familiar with HANA Live.
If you are not familiar with HANA Live, then you can refer the below blog:
SAP HANA Live - Real-Time operational reporting | SAP HANA

To extend HANA Live Views we generally make a copy of it and then make changes to it as per our needs.
You can check the document given in the blog mentioned above on how to extend HANA Live Views.

Now SAP has created a new tool called SAP HANA Live Extension Assistant.
Using this tool we can easily extend Reuse Views and Query Views.

Lets start with the Installation of Extension Tool:
First download HANA Content Tools from Service Marketplace and then import Delivery Unit HCOHBATEXTN.tgz

SAP HANA Rules Framework by the SAP HANA Academy


In the first two videos, the SAP Community Network, the SAP Help Portal, the SAP Support Portal and the Product Availability Matrix are introduced. Knowing where to find information is critical for success.
1. How to install SAP HANA Rules Framework: Delivery Unit

2. How to install SAP HANA Rules Framework: SAP HANA Studio Modeling Tools

Sunday, 22 November 2015

How to view Historical Data in SAP DB Control Center

The Historical Data feature in SAP DB Control Center (DCC) collects and stores system health status information. This feature, however, is not automatically enabled. This document will guide you through setting up data capture and different options for data visualization.

Note: This document was originally created by a former colleague of mine, Yuki Ji, in support of a customer engagement initiative regarding the SAP DB Control Center (DCC) product.  To preserve this knowledge, the document was migrated to this space.

The information in this document applies to DCC SP10 or higher.

The purge period of historical data collection needs to be configured according to the capacity of the system hosting DCC and the number of systems being monitored. Relation between systems monitored and space needed can be found in the DCC documentation. Otherwise to enable historical data and configure purging requires only two SQL statements to be run.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Hana Modeler: Impact Analysis and Refactoring of Calculation Views

Modeling SAP HANA Calculation Views is the key approach to successfully exploit the power of the SAP HANA Platform and leverage key SAP HANA capabilities. In the meantime there exist many features that help to change and refactor calculation views. We will summarize and outline these features in the following:

All the features are available with SP10. Many of them are already available in earlier support packages.

Note: The blog contains a lot of quite large screen shots. If these appear blurred click on them to see a version with a higher resolution!

Impact Analysis and Lineage

First you probably want to get an overview what impact you change might have.

Where used list

To invoke the where used list in the SAP Hana Systems view below the content node choose "Context Menu -> Where-Used" on any calculation view (attribute and analytic views work as well). You will see the impacted views in the Where-Used List view:

SAP HANA Analysis and Calculation Views

Friday, 13 November 2015

How to Plan for Disaster Recovery with SAP HANA

As devices, systems, and networks become more complex, there are simply more things that can go wrong due either to man-made or natural disasters. See the options available with SAP HANA for disaster recovery that help organizations keep business running smoothly in such circumstances.

Key Concept
SAP HANA provides a single platform to extract and analyze massive amounts of structured and unstructured data in real time from multiple sources such as social media, blogs, online reviews, emails, and discussion forums. The analyzed information helps customer to answer specific questions, increase revenue, and make accurate and timely decisions. The analyzed information and the data that is accumulated over the years is the backbone for an organization. If something happens to the data due to natural or man-made disasters, business can come to a halt. Making use of the SAP HANA disaster recovery features can save companies from such an outcome.

Learning Objectives
By reading the article you will be able to:
  • Understand the concept of disaster recovery
  • Understand the disaster recovery options with SAP HANA
Nowadays most every company has its business continuity plan that helps during an unfortunate event such as flood or earthquake. A disaster recovery plan is part of business continuity plan focusing mainly on the restoration of IT infrastructure and operations after a crisis.

There are two important terms when it comes to a disaster recovery plan: recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO), as shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1 Disaster recovery concepts

Monday, 9 November 2015

How to Update SAP HANA to SPS10 - Step to Follow

Updating HANA to SPS10

Starting point                                                                                                                     
This time, now the SPS10 is GA, I will update from SPS9 to SPS10.
Here is my source version :

SAP HANA Certifications and Material

The target is the one available on the market place at the time going :

SAP HANA SPS10 and Certifications

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

How SAP HANA and Internet of Things Works Togather with Cloud Platform

With Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) we are facing two trends of which each one for itself has the potential to change the whole IT industry. Recently, these two trends are being combined in IoT device clouds enabling businesses to efficiently collect data from the Internet of Things and manage devices that connect things to the Internet.

The advantage of such device clouds over classical Machine-to-Machine (M2M) telemetry solutions is that they connect potentially any kind of device to a consistent, well-managed, centralized storage in the cloud from where any application can uniformly access the data collected from the devices and things respectively.  In contrast, classical M2M solutions tended to build vertical silos as they typically connected a specific type of device to a certain application often using proprietary technology.

SAP HANA Certifications