Interaction Modes and Parameter Specification Methods

The SAP HANA lifecycle management tools install or update the underlying components of the SAP HANA platform. An SAP HANA system can be installed or updated from the command line interface (hdblcm) or from the graphical user interface (hdblcmgui).

To interact with the SAP HANA lifecycle management tools, use one interaction mode with a combination of parameter specification methods.

Interaction Modes:
Installation, update, and configuration tasks can be performed in one of the following interaction modes:

Parameter Specification Methods:

Interactively (Default):
Using either command line interface or graphical interface, most parameters are requested interactively. Default parameter values are proposed in brackets and can be changed or confirmed. Parameters that are not requested (or specified via another method) accept the default value.

Command Line Options
Parameters are given in their accepted syntax as a space delimited list after the program name (for example, hdblcm or hdblcmgui). The specified parameters replace the defaults. If any mandatory parameters are excluded, they are requested interactively (unless batch mode is specified). All parameters can be entered from the command line. For more details about the accepted parameter syntax, see the inline help output (help) for the individual SAP HANA lifecycle management tool.

Configuration File
The configuration file is a plain text file, for which a template of parameter key-value pairs can be generated, edited, and saved to be called in combination with the program call. If any mandatory parameters are not specified, they are requested interactively (unless batch mode is used). All parameters can be entered in the configuration file.

Order of Parameter Precedence:

If parameters are specified in the command line, they override the corresponding parameters in the configuration file. Parameters in the configuration file override default settings.

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