Mandatory Installation Values

The only mandatory parameter without a default value is the SAP system ID (SID, sid), which must be specified. However, it is also recommended to define an instance number (number), since these two parameters are meaningful to the identity of the system.
If the installation is run in batch mode from the installation medium, the minimum required parameters are the SID and the passwords (specified in XML syntax and streamed in, or specified in the configuration file). In the case that only the SID and passwords are entered as parameters, the other parameters automatically take their default value.

In case the mandatory parameters are not specified:
In batch mode, if one of the mandatory parameters, without a default, is not specified, the installation fails with an error. If an installation is not run in batch mode, but in interactive mode (default) instead, the missing mandatory parameters are requested in the console.
When building a multiple-host system, the “action” and “addhosts” parameters are mandatory command-line specifications for the hdblcm installer.

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