SAP HANA T-Shirt Size

SAP has defined T-shirt sizes for SAP HANA to both simplify the sizing and to limit the number of hardware configurations to support, thus reducing complexity.

The SAP hardware partners provide configurations for SAP HANA according to one or more of these T-shirt sizes. Below table lists the T-shirt sizes for SAP HANA.

The T-shirt sizes S+ and M+ denotes upgradable versions of S and M sizes.
  • S+ delivers capacity equivalent to S, but the hardware is upgradable to an M size.
  • M+ delivers capacity equivalent to M, but the hardware is upgradable to an L size.

These T-shirt sizes are used when relevant growth of the data size is expected.

In addition to these standard T-shirt sizes which apply to all cases of SAP HANA, there are configurations that are specific to and limited for use with SAP Business Suite applications powered by SAP HANA.

The workload for the SAP Business Suite applications has different characteristics. It is less CPU bound and more memory intensive than standard SAP HANA workload. Therefore the memory per core ratio is different than for the standard T-shirt sizes.

Selecting a T-shirt size:
According to the sizing results, select a SAP HANA T-shirt size that satisfies the sizing requirements in terms of main memory, and possibly CPU capabilities. For example, a sizing result of 400 GB for the main memory (C) suggests a T-shirt size of M.

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