SAP HANA Sizing Using DB Specific Scripts

DB specific scripts and sizing information are provided by note 1637145. In this note, Database platform specific scripts have been attached which analyze the database catalog and determine the overall database table’s footprint for both row store and column store.
The note also contains an attachment “” which has all the DB specific shell scripts.

Few Important Points:
  • Unix/Linux and Windows scripts draw information from database dictionary tables to determine size of tables in database (excluding indexes, temp table spaces, etc.)
  • Distinction between row store tables and column store tables: different compression factors à Scripts deliver two values: row store tables footprint and col store tables footprint. These values need to be fed into sizing formula.
  • Scripts for DB2 family (DB2, DB4, DB6) take into account source database compression, other scripts don‘t (compression factor has to be applied manually).
  • To execute scripts, operating system access with DB administrator privileges is required

SAP BW on HANA Sizing Formula:

SAP BW on HANA Sizing Formula: Remarks

SAP BW on HANA Sizing Formula: Procedure and Example

SAP BW on HANA Sizing Formula: Procedure and Example
  1. Download archive “” from SAP note 1637145 attachments
  2. Extract script suitable for your DB and Operating system
  3. Extract file “load_RowStore_List.sql“ into same folder
  4. Execute script, result will be stored in file “Extent.txt“
  5. Read sizing figures from script output.
  6. Feed figures into Sizing formula:

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